this is old, but i went to New York City with some of my friends at school. The trip was f-ing awesome. I'm glad i choose to go to New York! I me
an i have been dreaming of going to this place for so long and not to mention GOING WITH FRIENDS :) Before i went i was tad worried about my mom, but she convince me to just go, cause it's already been paid, tee-hee!
i left jakarta early in the morning, we went to singapore first then we will continue to NY. But, the plane isn't boarding until another 12 hours
so we stayed at HYATT and go for a walk at ORCHARD ROAD

it was fun but we TOTALY looked like GENUINE tourist lol
Then we finally boarded and went our way to Frankfurt, HONESTLY it was very very very tiring. My butt was sore for sitting for 18 straight hours. My neck hurts because i cant sleep right and my feet was sore for sitting down. The footrest didn't help AT ALL. Wearing high top shoes does not help you at all... My ankle was SORE because the shoe is so high. For some reason the only thing that is alright is my HAIR, i did curled it the night before but damn it stays good and true through the whole flight :) i was pleased. Despite the horrible aches i get to watch movies and TV shows, it was fun the selection was pretty updated. I have to also admit that DAMN, IN-FLIGHT FOOD IS SO DAMN GOOD!!! God bless the chef :) i couldn't help but smirk or open up my eyes (if i was asleep) when i hear the HOLY SOUND of that cart moving~~ When we arrived to Frankfurt, i did nothing but Stretch and find my self a bathroom. The bathroom was ALRIGHT, at least it was clean. It was cold, i didn't wear any jacket when i step out the plane, the cold hits right to my SPINE! Then we continue another 8 or 6 hour flight to JFK, New York! On the way, i was constantly checking my passport, immigration card and wallet, i was so scared of the immigration but despite the LOOONG LINE everything was fine :)
When were greeted by my friend Ina, the owner of the school and parents there. My friend was waiting for her boyfriend. Then we went to THIS PLACE THAT I WILL TREASURE FOREVER :) The Bedford Hotel :)
I was in the same room with Ica, Ella, Thari and Roemy. All 5 year 11 girls :) Right after we check out the room, which is actually the biggest room in the hotel :D and dumped our luggage we went STRAIGHT to TIME SQUARE BABYYY!!!

It felt like dreaming just walking around there :)
LOL that's when i felt dude..YOU ARE IN NEW YORK NOW!! I mean this place has been attacked by Godzilla, King Kong and too many aliens to count!! There's so many movies shot here, i cant stop saying "Oooh! This is the place that blablabla did blablabla in blablabla" From I Am Legend to Definitely Maybe i was such in daze, i was lost for words :)

The holy FOOT LOCKER was there :] I TOTALLY REGRET JUST BUYING ONE PAIR OF SHOES! DAMN!! More details of the shoes i bought on the next post :)
1 comment:
keep bragging betch. lol.
why dont u tell em about the aibness of urself. LOL. i love the part "holy sound of the cart moving" LOL.
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