A Teenage Virgo Blabbering Platform, Welcome to my endless blabber about my life and others i care about. Go Go Go!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Love Love Love

I found myself trapped inside the ever-so-confusing holiday madness, with a broken heart to go with it, I am not the type of person who ponders around my own despair, yet this time it felt different.
I blame my sensitivity, I've mentioned before that I've been riding the emotional roller coaster ride for awhile,ooh the loneliness.
As a mere human being couldn't help to fall in love, or maybe lust.

"Lust is Lush" that is my new quote. I think I fell in love.I'm not quite sure about it though

What is love anyway? I'm never sure about that.I love my family,but I know that's different.

I love, a boy. He's not my bestfriend, not even a close friend. I'm the type of girl who made fun of myself to make ends meet, unfortunately it seems that my affection for him derivated towards 'buddies' than lovers. I didn't know him well, yet after a few random conversations he had managed to chain me with his smirks and charms. He's gorgeous to me, even more I adore guys who are skilled.He reads books aswell as comics, he's passionate about his hobby, he completely cares about trivial things in life, he's mannered, well-groomed, he's smart and he's not even trying and he makes me laugh, every single time.
See, obviously I am in love :|

But I know he will never return my feelings, he will never think of me more than a friend, to him I am someone he could talk to about almost everything, yes, we talk about a girl, the one he's pursuing.

However I rather have him talk about that than he's not saying anything at all. Even when we talk about her, I smirk at the thought of him dating and being a boyfriend to that girl, it does kill me inside every single time. Yet, I couldn't help but to wish him well.

Everytime he ask for my help, asking for advice,begging for a respond, I...

I am so in love its sickening.
I don't want to fall out of love, but I know eventually I will. I don't want to even try making him mine, I do not deserve him :/. I rarely talk about my love life, cause first, it's existency is rare, second, it's dull, third, I just don't want the whole world to know (unlike SOME people). Even for those who knows, they know I am never a go getter. I choose pride over love..
I think that's my problem eh?

Love is just distraction, until I get that YELLOW JACKET :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009


3. For my Parents to be truly happy together and i can make them feel happy and proud

yeah i'm fucking serious now, i've been rejected bcos of FAT, eat shit boy.

6. have my lust... fulfilled
7. hair make-over.. i ♥ you Corry Kennedy!

Everyone seems to dislike her somehow? but I don't care, she's cool and her hair is massively cool!

yeah yeah yeah
Merry Christmas everyone

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Tunes

Tunes buzzing my ear for the christmas holiday! Random much? Hahaha

1. One Week of Danger - The Virgins
2. The Ancient Commonsense of Things - Bishop Allen
3. Bang Bang You're Dead - Dirty Pretty Things
4. Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis
5. Half Life - Duncan Sheik
6. Move Like You Gonna Die - Cobra Starship
7. Fill My Little World - The Feeling
8. Bittersweet - Kanye West feat. John Mayer
9. Cave In - Owl City
10. I Guess It's Gonna Rain Today - Sondre Lerche

More playlist coming up soon
No John Mayer? Well, he's ALWAYS on any of my playlist, he doesn't need to be mentioned anymore.

bad things never have good timing

i find my self completely chained to everyday routine. i hate change of plans, I'm not a spontaneous person, never been one. i think there's where all this self pity starts from, i found my self lacking from my own standard. I expect much from my self, i expect myself to do well. Then at times when i do not perform so well, then i will stop to think, is this what i meant to do in the first place...
today i woke up to my sister's plea to help her, i was too sleepy, much to sleepy to even sympathize for her. i barely remember what i did, but i remember i hated it. I regret my actions of course, regret could only come so far...

when people say they never regret the things they've done... I am dubious. How could you not? I mean people make mistakes in life, well the wiser ones would take the mistakes they've done as lessons and make sure they will never done it again. Being a fool myself, whenever i did something disastrous, i could see the journey of it laid in front of me, i've seen the pattern before, yet i still choose to go through it. It's like going to a maze, a dungeon, but knowing your way around, knowing what's waiting in each corner, yet you do not dodge it, it simply hit you and you're hurt... It's like you could forecast it, yet you ignore it. It's also a cycle, bad things happened for a reason right? It can be a wake up call, it can be a way to improve yourself, it could be a challenge, it could be something you must endure, it can be anything... yet one thing never change, bad things never have good timing...

As i said before, i hate changes of plan, bad things interrupts everything, yet it can't be budged. you can't ignore it, it's like a bee surrounding a flower, it wouldn't go until the job is done.
Yet, it makes me agitated knowing that good things can never be predicted. I try not to set too much hope for good things, i might be disappointed. I can only pray for good things, really, who doesn't pray or wish for good things? People wish for health, wealth and prosperity, every new year, birthdays, christmas, we close our eyes, say our little prayer, praying for all the wonderful things to happen on our lives. Good things happens everyday in my life, i am just too oblivious, stubborn, arrogant and pessimist to notice it.

Sometimes, you're too busy to notice the good things in life. What's funny is that when you realize it, you rather tweet about it than thank God for those good things. Funny. I think God is smiling down at me now, knowing that i tweet more than i pray these days. Sorry. A priest once told me that the first thing i should when i wake up in the morning is pray, pray that God will lead me through everything i must do today. He said, who are we to start the day without God's guidance. True, and again, i think God is smiling down at me again, knowing that the first thing i do when i wake up is curse at anyone who wakes me up, yikes!

Getting what you want isn't necessarily a good thing, not getting what you want isn't a bad thing either.

Once my friends was debating about God's plan. We're high school seniors, of course God's plan is crucial, COLLEGE is the reason why the debate start. Well, it wasn't much of a debate, it was more of an argument, cause no one has one solid logical reason why they are right. Okay, one friend believe that because God had planned out everything for us anyway, why don't we just chill a little, cause if it's meant to be it's meant to be. Qui Sera Sera... My other friend, believes in hard work, dedication and goals. Clearly different right. I was just doodling while they battle it out, trying to convince each other who's right...

For me, i believe in working while praying. Ora et Labora. I believe that God has planned wonderful things in our life, yet our actions might effect the outcome. I was thought by my father to be like a farmer, a boxer and a runner.

A farmer has dedication, they plant their seed, water it, harvest it with such care and attention that their plants bloom and grow fruitfully.
A boxer has to be smart in their actions, when to save their energy and when to put their effort to hit, when to dodge a punch, what to do when got hit.
A runner has to play fair and square in a competition, yet they have to win, they have the drive to win.

My dad also told me that skills is nothing without character, he wants his children to be "minded". My mom wants me to be a good person, she knows me inside and out, she knows everything about me, which made me feel bad when i lied to her and she doesn't doubt me. My mom is the best mother in the world! She's graceful, smart, strong, beautiful, ages well, great cook, sensitive, caring and tasteful. She's all about treat others as you want to be treated. I can't imagine living my life with out her. I love my parents, not because they let me do stupid stuff, but because they care. God bless them :)


*something smelled nice from the kitchen, must be my aunt cooking for my lil cousins, NO I SHALL NOT EAT MIDNIGHT SNACKS AAA